Saturday, July 26, 2008

Great Meet-up this morning at the Coffee Emporium!

Thanks to all of you who joined us for the second meet-up of the Cincinnati Women Bloggers. (And thanks to Dennis who joined us too! We're a welcoming kind of group!)

Also, big THANKS to Shannan who brought disks with info from PodCampOhio and BlogHer08!

Attending were:

Shannan: MommyBits and MommyBits Reviews
Susan: and
Cara: & Working Moms Against Guilt
Barb: Barb Trimble Blog
Olivia: Where's the Blue Crayon?
Julie: WineMeDineMe Cincinnati & Ditto Chic
Laura: World's Best Burger
Loree: Hermits Gone Wild and World's Best Burger
Maureen: Taking the House by Storm
Andrea: Udandi
Jane: Work & Joy
Olivia: Just Five Minutes a Day

AmyinOhio, Krista and Michelle - we missed you!

Next meet-up August 23rd at the Bean Haus on Main Street in Covington. 10:00am.



Julie said...

Hey, Debba-- can you change the links for my blogs to have an http:// so they link properly? Thanks!

Good seeing you (and everyone else!) there :)

ShannanB said...

OK, Julie. It should be fixed now.

Sorry about that!


Anonymous said...

I managed to roll out of bed at 9:20. I'd never have made it. That 3-hour tragic opera the night before killed me. However, I'll be at the next one. It's easy to get to Covington that early!

If we ever want to have a week night meeting, or a lunch meeting, we could probably use the Bridge Worldwide offices for free. I'd also suggest Tino Vino in Hyde Park for an evening meeting. Those ladies would love to have us, I'm sure.

Promise I'll make the next one. :-)


Andi @ udandi / Lunch It Punch It said...

Thanks for organizing us, Shannan! I look forward to the next time!

Anonymous said...

first off I am a man.

But I am a blogger.

any Cincinnati blogger communities that include men, you know men don't quite gather as easily as the women do.


Brian Monahan
Expert in the Rough

Barb Trimble said...

Thanks for organizing Shannon and Debba! It was great to feel so welcome from the start.

Cincinnati Therapy Guy said...

Thanks for your hospitality - very much appreciated.

Dennis Mendleson
Cincinnati Therapy Guy

Amy in Ohio said...

Next month, no festival - I'll be there with bells on. Sorry I missed you all.